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How To Maintain An Anti-Inflammatory Diet During The Holidays?

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The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, let’s be honest, indulgence. From Thanksgiving feasts to Christmas dinners, the table is often laden with rich, sugary, and fatty foods that are hard to resist. 

Maintain An Anti-Inflammatory Diet

While these treats may satisfy your taste buds, they can wreak havoc on your body, leading to inflammation and a host of related health issues. But fear not! You can still partake in the holiday festivities without compromising your commitment to an anti-inflammatory diet. Here’s how.

Understanding Inflammation

Before diving into the tips and tricks, it’s crucial to understand what inflammation is and why it’s harmful. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection. 

While acute inflammation is beneficial for healing, chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Foods high in sugar, saturated fats, and processed ingredients can trigger this harmful inflammation.

  1. Plan Ahead

Alright, let’s get strategic! If you’re going to navigate the holiday season like a pro while keeping inflammation at bay, you’ve got to have a game plan. Think of it as your culinary GPS, guiding you through a maze of gravy boats and dessert trays.

Before you RSVP to that holiday bash or family gathering, get the lowdown on what’s going to be served. A quick chat with the host or a sneak peek at the menu can give you the intel you need to make smart, inflammation-friendly choices.

Tip: Pre-Eat

If you’re unsure about the food choices at an event, eat a small, healthy meal before leaving home. This will curb your hunger and make it easier to resist unhealthy options.

  1. Make Smart Swaps

Who says you have to bid adieu to your cherished holiday classics to keep inflammation at arm’s length? Nah, you just need to give them a little wellness makeover! Let’s call it “culinary alchemy,” turning traditional holiday favorites into anti-inflammatory gold. Here’s how:

The Great Potato Illusion

Love mashed potatoes? Who doesn’t! But let’s swap out those spuds for their doppelgänger—cauliflower.

Mash it up with a splash of olive oil, and voila! You’ve got a dish that’s so close to the real thing, even Grandma won’t know the difference. Plus, you’re ditching the butter for olive oil, a liquid gold that’s a darling of the anti-inflammatory world.

Gravy, Meet Your Veggie Twin

Gravy is the liquid love that brings a holiday meal together, but it’s often a pool of inflammation-triggering meat drippings. 

Time for a switcheroo! How about a vegetable-based gravy that’s so rich and flavorful, you’ll forget it’s not the “real” thing? Your arteries will thank you.

Desert Diplomacy

Ah, the grand finale—dessert! But instead of diving into a sugar and cream abyss, why not opt for something fruit-based? 

Imagine a warm apple crisp spiced with cinnamon or a tangy berry sorbet. You’ll satisfy your sweet tooth without sending your inflammation markers through the roof.

Eat Healthy
  1. Focus On Dieting

If, like most people, you find it hard to stop yourself from overindulging during the holidays, consider dieting, either before or after such indulgent parties to take care of your health. A calorie diet can help reduce the instances of inflammation, while also curing any inflammation that already exists within your body.

Do bear in mind that dieting does not mean deprivation, particularly when it comes to its anti-inflammatory effects. It only means taking in simple, low-calorie, rather bland foods leading up to, or following a big event.

Such a diet is a hard sell if you live with a family or lack the time to prepare something like this all by yourself. Fortunately, there are plenty of services that can come to your aid, such as EveryPlate’s low calorie meal delivery, among a host of others.

While you’re at it, make sure to consume a steady dose of anti-inflammatory foods such as walnuts, cherries, avocados, fish, and green tea. Basically, all leafy vegetables aid in reducing inflammation, and are thus particularly beneficial before or after an indulgent meal.

  1. Stay Active

Let’s talk about the other side of the holiday coin—activity, or rather, the lack thereof. With all the feasting and festivities, it’s easy to put exercise on the back burner. But here’s the kicker: physical activity is like your body’s natural fire extinguisher for inflammation.

So, how do you keep the holiday pounds and inflammation at bay? Simple, you’ve got to move it to lose it! And no, you don’t have to morph into a gym rat overnight. Even a brisk 20-minute walk around the neighborhood can work wonders. Remember, you’re not just walking off that extra piece of pie, you are literally walking away from stress and chronic inflammation.

Stay True


Navigating the holidays while sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet might feel like tightrope walking over a pit of gingerbread cookies. But guess what? You’ve got this! With a dash of planning, a sprinkle of smart swaps, and a good shake of physical activity, you can jingle all the way to a healthier you.

So, don your festive attire and raise a glass of herbal tea—here’s to a holiday season that’s as joyful as it is inflammation-free.

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